Respond Worship Podcast

Respond Worship Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 5 Season 3

[RWP] S3 | E5 | Disciple Maker

[RWP] S3 | E5 | Disciple Maker[RWP] S3 | E5 | Disciple Maker


The Church engages in many different ventures to accomplish its mission, including singing, preaching, reading scripture, evangelism, prayer, and investing in one-on-one, small group, and large group relationships. If our mission from Jesus is to "go and make disciples," (Matt. 28:18-20), does our time volunteering for an hour on Sunday aid that mission? If so, how? Join hosts Jeremiah and Ryan as they dig into chapter 4 of Zac Hicks' book, The Worship Pastor, as a guide to have this crucial conversation.

Show Notes

Discipleship is Jesus' call to all believers--not just pastors--so everyone who serves in their local church's music or tech ministry is welcome to the discussion this week and for all of our podcasts. Beyond everyone just listening, we want to hear from YOU! Send us your questions, content suggestions, ministry wins, and stories and we will gladly consider adding them into future episodes. Email us at

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We look forward to welcoming you into another conversation in a couple of weeks. Take care!
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A link to our featured resource:
Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation by James K. A. Smith (for service planners)
You Are What You Love by James K. A. Smith (for everyone)

A link to our featured worship album:
Desertland by Antioch Music

The Worship Pastor by Zac Hicks:

What is Respond Worship Podcast?

The Respond Worship Podcast focuses on the worship minister and volunteer teams; how we can better equip our teams, engage our congregations, and ultimately ignite a community of worship teams.