The Health Upgrade Podcast

In this eye-opening episode of the Health Upgrade podcast, we delve into the complexities of migraines and brain health with our special guest Tom Malterre. After suffering from unexplained intestinal issues, joint pain, brain fog, and fatigue, Tom found out that Celiac disease and multiple food sensitivities were behind his troubles by doing an elimination diet. With his newly calm intestinal tract, boundless energy, and sharp focus, Tom felt like he was experiencing life on a whole new level. He is the co-author of three books – The Elimination Diet, The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals.

In this interview, we unpack the interplay between stress, inflammation, and nutritional imbalances. We explore cutting-edge topics from the effects of environmental toxins on our microbiome to the healing power of vagus nerve stimulation, all aimed at helping us understand the triggers of migraines and pathways to relief. 

Tom shares his transformation through an elimination diet and emphasizes the remarkable potential of simple interventions like deep breathing and finding a sense of purpose to combat stress and promote health. The episode is a robust blend of scientific insights, personal experiences and actionable advice for anyone seeking to alleviate migraine pain and achieve optimal well-being.

Dr. Navaz Habib


JP Errico

Tom Malterre


Creators & Guests

JP Errico
Key Strategic Advisor. JP provides capital markets and strategic advisory services to companies, Boards, and management teams covering several areas of expertise, including access to both private and public capital markets, clinical and regulatory affairs, R&D, manufacturing, M&A negotiations and integration, Board governance, and intellectual property portfolio management.
Navaz Habib
Author, Speaker, Founder of Health Upgraded. Helping high performers address inflammation and health challenges by activating their Vagus Nerve.
Polina Batzeri
Podcast Editor / Podcast Producer & Brand Manager. I help business owners and coaches to launch and grow their podcasts so that they can get in front of their target audience and start generating leads on autopilot.

What is The Health Upgrade Podcast?

This podcast is for high-performing entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals, and those who want to upgrade every aspect of their lives by experiencing UPGRADED energy, UPGRADED focus, and UPGRADED ability to show up, every day of their lives. Dr. Navaz Habib and JP Errico will bring you weekly shows including interviews with world-class experts in functional medicine, longevity, health, high performance, and functional movement. We aim to bring you game-changing tools to upgrade your performance, so you can eliminate what is holding you back, show up in your business, relationships, and family, and bring your gifts to the world.

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