Resilience: The Global Adaptation Podcast

Lis and Marcus explore how investing in adaptation makes both economic sense and helps save the lives of millions of people faced with climate catastrophes. Professor Patrick Verkooijen joins from the Rotterdam-based Global Center on Adaptation which, as the largest floating office in the world, is a potent example of adaptation. And Rohey Ceesay, a forestry officer in the Gambia, talks about how she uses drama and music to spread crucial messages and early warnings about deadly storms. 

Find out more about:
- The UN's Global Adaptation Network:
- Climate adaptation resources and multimedia:
- The Global Center on Adaptation:
- The Global Environment Facility:

- António Guterres: 50% of All Climate Finance Needed for Adaptation:
- Reduced death rates from cyclones in Bangladesh: what more needs to be done?:
- Adaptation Gap Report 2020:
- Project Factsheet: Early Warning Climate Services in Gambia:

What is Resilience: The Global Adaptation Podcast?

Ever wondered how we can beat the climate crisis? 'Resilience' brings you inspiring stories from people all over the world who are adapting to climate change in practical, creative and innovative ways. Each episode explores a different theme in building climate resilience - from cities to coasts and small islands, nature-based solutions, recovering from the Covid pandemic, and the race for climate-proof food.

The views expressed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of the UN Environment Programme.