Simplavida: Simplified Longevity

In this free preview of a premium episode, Paul and Howard discuss the paralysis caused by health & fitness information overload. Having too many options can leave people feeling overwhelmed, leading them to either disengage completely or obsess over minute details to the detriment of their overall health. Paul and Howard talk about how to return to basics, advocating for simple, foundational activities like walking and lifting everyday objects over complex routines and excessive supplementation. Paul & Howard critique societal pressures, influencers,and misconceptions that deter physical activity, emphasizing the importance of building a physical activity base gradually to prevent injuries and ensure long-term health. The bottom line: Stop pursuing perfection and avoid anyone overcomplicating health advice. 

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What is Simplavida: Simplified Longevity?

Simplifying health, fitness, exercise, Zone 2, and longevity, with your hosts Dr. Paul Kedrosky and Howard Luks, MD. Paul Kedrosky is a frequently injured athlete who, when he isn’t rehabbing, is also a venture investor. Howard Luks is a top sports orthopedic surgeon.

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