Radio Greenside

On Thursday 26th January 2023, Greenside accompanied other TEFAT schools at the Google for Education London headquarters. There, teachers learnt all about new tips, tricks, apps, add-ons, and more - to help push their pedagogy in the classroom. Back on site at Greenside, our Digital Leaders gathered at the radio equipment, hit the record button, and video-called in to Mr Tilden, the TEFAT audience, and Googler Dean Stokes. They asked big questions about what Google is up to, how Google drives (pun intended!) education, and how other schools use Google.

Show Notes

On Thursday 26th January 2023, Greenside accompanied other TEFAT schools at the Google for Education London headquarters. There, teachers learnt all about new tips, tricks, apps, add-ons, and more - to help push their pedagogy in the classroom. Back on site at Greenside, our Digital Leaders gathered at the radio equipment, hit the record button, and video-called in to Mr Tilden, the TEFAT audience, and Googler Dean Stokes. They asked big questions about what Google is up to, how Google drives (pun intended!) education, and how other schools use Google. 

Creators & Guests

James Tilden
James Tilden is the Year 4 Class Teacher and ICT Lead at Greenside Primary School. He scripts, records, mixes, produces, and publishes Radio Greenside. He also runs the Greenside Primary School Instagram account.

What is Radio Greenside?

Welcome to Radio Greenside, Greenside Primary School's official radio show. This podcast is hosted by teachers and students, bringing you up-to-date Greenside news and a range of shows on maths, reading, film, and all things Greenside. Stay tuned, Greensiders!