Builders Of The New Earth

To me, Divine Feminine is an energy that exists within us all, just that women are more easily connected to it. I wanted to interview a man who embodies all the attributes of Divine Feminine, and at the same time shows that for a man to be in his Divine Feminine is not emasculating, in fact it is the opposite! It allows his Divine Masculine to shine even more.

To my mind, there is no-one embodying this more than Paul Boys currently. Reiki master, former military, gym owner, and one of the most effective freedom fighters this country has right now. If you don’t already know Paul Boys (which is highly possible since he is completely shadow-banned on social media!), you are going to love this interview so much. And if you do follow Paul, then you already know what a straight-talking, articulate and inspirational man he is.

What is Builders Of The New Earth?

A series of conversations with women and men who are bringing in New Earth, and leading the way in raising our collective frequency. People who understand the truth of "Heal Thyself to Heal the World," and through authentically showing up from a space of love and healing, they invite those around them to raise their own personal vibrations and create offerings that contribute to the planetary shift that we are going through currently. Living in harmony with the earth, and working intentionally with the divine; actively engaged with the embodiment process of bringing the new energies into actualisation.

Kate Magic is a world-renowned raw vegan chef, health educator and author, and founder of