Ready, Row! USA

Our latest Club Spotlight features Olympic Rower & Coach, Jim Dietz on the announcement of his eponymous new Rowing Center in Stonington, CT, on the Mystic River.

Show Notes

 Join us on this Club Spotlight livestream with Olympic rower & coach Jim Dietz as we discuss the development of his eponymous new Rowing Center in Stonington, CT, scheduled to open in 2024. Livestream 6/22 11am ET on our website; click through for replay & podcast distribution links.
Joining the conversation will be John Thornell, head of Stonington Community Rowing and girls head coach @stoningtoncrew, who has been working closely with Jim Dietz since he came on board the project earlier this year.

"When we complete the Jim Dietz Rowing Center in early 2024, we will be able expand from a competitive junior team of 50-60 kids to offer a range of programs to younger and older people," Thornell said. "Middle-school kids will see a path to row in high school. High school rowers will see alumni (rowing in college) return for summers. It will open up coaching opportunities for those alumni, too. Younger rowers will also see masters rowers and know that this is a lifelong sport for them. It'll be a multi-use center, with a rowing component of up to 500 members." 

What is Ready, Row! USA?

At Ready, Row! USA, we believe that rowing changes lives. We are on a mission to connect and collaborate with the rowing community – from boathouses, to masters, beginners, legends, vendors – and you! You are welcome to join us on a livestream, or jump in on the conversation thread on any of our episodes - they're "evergreen!"