The Empire's New Clothes

What’s up with Evergrande, is there a China debt crisis looming, what about China’s real estate market?

Anne Stevenson-Yang helps us tease these questions apart. She’s been living in China since 1985, co-founded J Capital Research which attempts to find fraud in publicly traded companies with a focus on China. We discuss her first experienced with China, peer into Xi’s motivations and even kick around the idea of a social credit score.

Show Notes

Lyn Alden on the Petro-Dollar:

Keith Dicker explains why the US Dollar is King:

Jim Rogers on the Rise of China:

Paul Kingsnorth critiques Neo-liberalism:

First Interview with Simon Mikhailovich:

Jeff Booth on Tech Deflation:

What is The Empire's New Clothes?

Is America a Declining Empire? Follow Bradford Pope McArthur as we examine the cyclical forces that make and break empires. We’ll try to answer the big questions of how we got here as a society and tease out what’s coming next. Episodes drop every Monday, follow us on YouTube, IG, FB, Twitter and our site.