Staiano Plastic Surgery

I will talk about:
-I had breast augmentation when I was 19, I’m now 38, but it didn’t really work.
-Would you perform surgery on someone with Factor V Leiden, if they have previously had a blood clot in each lung after a previous surgery?
-I am considering having my implants removed, would lifting the breast be a part of this procedure?
-If I wanted my implants only removed because they are too big and heavy now. Would the capsule also be removed even if there is no sign of capsular contracture?
-Why is it so important that I give all of my medical history during the initial consultation?
....and anything else that crops up.

What is Staiano Plastic Surgery?

I am a Plastic Surgeon and I own a Clinic where we specialise in Breast and Body Contouring. I do a Q&A every Tuesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live.