Sales made Simple for Outdoor Living Pros, Landscapers and Hardscapers (formerly Outerspaces)

In this conversation, Joshua Gillow and Dan Bai discuss the importance of listening and asking purposeful questions in the sales process. They emphasize the need for salespeople to talk less and let clients express their needs, wants, and desires. They introduce the concept of STFU (Shut The F*** Up) as a way to create space for clients to share and feel safe. They highlight the value of pausing and allowing clients to fill the silence with valuable information. The conversation also touches on the importance of being a leader and guide for clients, rather than just a performer. Overall, the key takeaway is that by listening and asking good questions, salespeople can better understand their clients and provide a more personalized and effective sales experience.

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What is Sales made Simple for Outdoor Living Pros, Landscapers and Hardscapers (formerly Outerspaces) ?

This podcast is dedicated to helping overwhelmed outdoor living professionals, landscapers and Hardscapers just like you increase your closing rate to over 75% without doubling your workload so you can build a seven-figure business that doesn't need you.