The Katie Lance Podcast

Have you ever gone to an event and just knew it was going to be life-changing? That is how I felt after leaving my dear friend Mike Ganino’s Mike Drop Era retreat in New York City.

I knew I had to record a podcast for you where I unpacked my notes and take-aways. In this raw (and sometimes messy) episode - I recapped my key takeaways from the event, which featured dynamic discussions on storytelling, personal branding, and the power of intentional communication with Mike and three expert guest speakers.

Stories build connections - and I am so excited to share some insights I learned on how storytelling captivates your audience. I share tips from: 
  • Marisa Corcoran about the art of copywriting and how giving your content a unique name can clarify your message. 
  • Laura Gassner Otting and the strategies for gaining ultimate control over your content to connect freely and authentically with your audience.
  • Erica Reitman on creating a 'category of one'—establishing a personal brand so distinct, no one could possibly confuse you with anyone else.
Whether you’re looking to refine your brand or enhance your storytelling techniques, I hope you enjoy listening to my takeaways - and behind the scenes of this incredibly AWESOME event!

At the end of the day it reminded me of the power of being “in the room where it happens” - there is so much magic that happens in a small group mastermind!

P.S. We have a few spots left for our #GetSocialSmart Vegas Mastermind this Fall - we’d love to have you there - check out the details here!

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What is The Katie Lance Podcast?

Welcome to my podcast! Some of you know me as a social media strategist, speaker, author or entrepreneur, but, like so many of us, I wear multiple other hats. In this podcast, I plan to share with you more about what makes me tick, my backstory, how I think about business, parenting and so much more. Of course this wouldn't be a Katie Lance podcast if we didn't talk about social media from time to time!