Good News for Today

Chris Holcomb looks up most days…he’s a meteorologist at an Atlanta TV station…but he says these last few days have been even better days to look up at the Persied meteor showers have passed over the U.S.
Holcomb says looking up reminds him of the majesty of God and how God is in control.
“It’s good to look at the sky and just be amazed,” he said. “When that debris from the comet hits the atmosphere, it’s protecting us by burning them up and creating fireballs across the sky. It reminds you of what a big world this is, but also the size of space.”
The meteor showers over American skies are coming to an end this week.
Student ministry leader Shane Pruitt is encouraging church leaders to remain focused this school year. Pruitt encourages church to remain dependent on the Holy Spirit.
“Even more than seeking to be a numerically growing ministry this school year, seek to be a Spirit-led ministry. If you desire to be Spirit-led, everything else will fall into place. Leonard Ravenhill said, “Gifts and talents can build a crowd, but only the Holy Spirit can build the church.”
Pruitt encourages church to remain faithful to God’s Word.
“If you want to be a relevant ministry this school year, then preach the Bible. The Word of God is always relevant,” he says.
He also says this a great time so share your faith.
“Often, people will be open to the Gospel during changes in their lives. There is something about entering a new grade, going from middle school to high school, and going from high school to college that causes people to desire community, stability, and support. Students going through ever-changing seasons of life desperately need a never-changing God that provides eternal life,” Pruitt says.
Cultural commentators in many sectors are now lamenting the combined impact of expressive individualism and technology on human behavior, particularly on the socialization of young men.
The gospel, the church, and the challenge/expectations of Christian service are antithetical to expressive individualism. The gospel centers on God (not you), the church is about others (not you), and God’s mission (serving others and sharing the gospel) is definitely not about you.
Read the full piece from Jeff Iorg at Baptist Press.
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Good News for Today shares and spotlights the good God is doing in this world. Through the stories of Baptist Press, we’ll introduce you to Christians and churches who are making an impact for the glory of God.