The European Startup Show

My guest today is Kaarel Kotkas, Founder & CEO of Veriff. Kaarel is a 25-year-old Estonian entrepreneur, whose online identity verification start-up Veriff is set to be the next tech ‘unicorn’ or billion-dollar company coming out of Estonia. Today’s short 30-minute podcast is jampacked with so much wisdom - like how they were able to raise money in less than a month, why YCombinator took them to United States, and some of the early foundations he laid with an obsession over his first few customers, having a no-compromise hiring approach and an emotional belief in a big mission. Fascinating to hear and so inspiring!

Show Notes

On Veriff
  • [01:20] Could you tell a little about how and why you started Veriff?
  • [03:53] What shortcoming did you notice in the current solution that made you think you could do something different and better than what existed?
  • [6:42] How are fintech companies with their legacy systems able to use your new advanced verification system?

Growing your business
  • [8:20]How did you go to your first ten to hundred customers? What did you prioritize in those initial stages? 
  • [12:38] How did you do employer branding to attract good talent from all over the world?
  • [14:10] So far what are you most proud of doing in how you’ve built Veriff?
  • [15:30] How do you hire at Veriff?
  • [17:16] In hindsight, what would you do differently? 
  • [19:00] What helped you secure funding from people like the founder of TransferWise to tier 1 investors like Accel, beyond the basics?
  • [23:11] What motivates you? Did you always have an entrepreneurial streak or did you fall into this? 


The Little Prince

What is The European Startup Show?

To inspire technology entrepreneurs in Europe with stories and practical strategies from other successful entrepreneurs.

If you are a CEO, founder, or work in sales or marketing, and your company is based in Europe or is looking to expand into Europe, then this podcast is for you.