Good News for Today

Disaster Relief (SBDR) units have deployed in and around Houston up into Texarkana in response to Hurricane Beryl, which made landfall early Monday morning, July 8. Units with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC), Texans on Mission, Arkansas and Alabama are providing meals, showers and chainsaw work to survivors.
Scottie Stice, SBDR director for the SBTC, shared through email that they are continuing to discover needs through their assessments as they work “to match needs to resources” while volunteers from both inside and outside the state have already begun their efforts.
Through Wednesday, a feeding unit was providing up to 5,000 meals and showers in Wharton, southwest of Houston, while Texans on Mission (formerly Texas Baptist Men) has a 15,000-meal-a-day feeding unit set up in Houston to prepare meals for those without electricity.
While Texas received the brunt of the storm’s initial impact, Beryl destroyed Beulah Baptist Church in Mansfield, La., and has brought heavy rain and severe storms as it has trekked across the United States, creating potential for flash flooding and tornadoes in New England and New York.
In a remarkable journey from retirement to the Olympic stage, Ginger Gibson's story is one of unwavering faith and determination. Initially retiring after a successful career in synchronized swimming, Gibson found herself drawn back to the sport she loved. Motivated by a deep faith in God's guidance, she resumed training despite the challenges of age and physical demands.
Her return to competitive synchronized swimming was met with skepticism and doubt from many quarters, yet Gibson persevered, trusting in God's purpose for her journey. With the support of her family and a renewed passion, she qualified for the Olympics once again, showcasing her resilience and inspiring others with her story.
Ginger Gibson's odyssey from retirement to the Paris Olympics is a testament to faith, perseverance, and the belief that God's plans are always greater than our own. Her story encourages us all to embrace challenges with courage, trusting that every step of the journey has a divine purpose.
The 2024 Olympic Games begin July 26. 
Youth ministry leaders say they wouldn’t call it a revival just yet, but there is definitely a wave of salvations across college campuses in America. Ben Beck, a campus minister at Purdue University, says campus ministry is the best he’s ever seen…and he’s been reaching the campus for more than 20 years.
Beck and other leaders say students are hungry for authentic relationship, truthful discussion…even on hard topics…and the call to follow something greater than themselves. That can be found in Jesus Christ.

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