Maamar BeYom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 | Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky

Maamar BeYom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 | Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky Trailer Bonus Episode 6 Season 1

4A - ['אות ד] - The Choice For Intermediaries Is Rooted In The Motivation To Receive Sustenance


The motivation for the choice of intermediaries is not intellectual. Instead, it is the fundamental motivation to receive sustenance that leads to the decision to choose the intellectual approach that will justify receiving sustenance from the intermediaries.

What is Maamar BeYom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 | Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky?

In this Podcast you can join the in-depth Chassidus classes given at Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim (Morristown, NJ) by Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky on the Maamar BeYom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 (מאמר ד"ה ביום עשתי עשר יום תשל"א).