Woodside Bible Church Chesterfield
Episode 187
Season 1
The Gospel of Blessing – Good News: Part 4 – Woodside Bible Church
Today, we are continuing our series, Good News, looking at the truth and hope of the Gospel. We'll ask the question; how do we experience the blessings of God? In Galatians, we see how Paul desires the church of Galatia to not believe in a false gospel, he urges them to believe in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s blessing comes by faith alone in Christ alone. In obedience to Christ, we must surrender our efforts and trust in Jesus, He has won, and we can have hope in Him. Paul asked direct questions to the church in this passage that allowed them to think through how they were experiencing the blessings of God in their lives. We can ask ourselves those same questions today. Tune in to the latest message of the series, The Gospel of Blessing, and be bold in acknowledging the state of your heart.