First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R. Wiles 
First Baptist Arlington 
June 9, 2024 
SUMMER 2024 
Together . . . in the Gospel 
June 2 – August 3, 2024 
Preaching Voice: Evangelist 
The Good News: The New Exodus 
Mark 1:9-13 
Theme for 2024: Together 
Theme for Summer 2024: Together . . . in The Gospel 
Summer – Evangelistic Sensitivity 
Tell Me More podcast - We will be live June 23 for our 100th Episode
MOUNTWEAZEL - a decoy entry in a reference work, such as a dictionary or encyclopedia, secretly planted among the genuine entries to catch other publishers in the act of copying content. 
The Good News is . . . Jesus! 
CONTEXT FOR THE MINISTRY OF JESUS: Jesus entered the world at a definite point in human history. His ministry was connected to and contextualized by the cosmic battle between evil (Satan) and good (God) and the revelation of God through the life of Israel. 
  • Wilderness – Jesus begins his ministry in the wilderness – evoking so many Old Testament images. 
  • The Glory of God – this is a cosmic story, and His ministry will be accompanied by heavenly signs. Moses was used by God for the parting of the Red Sea – Jesus’ ministry will be bracketed by the parting of the heavens and the parting of the veil of the Temple. 
  • The Spirit of God – God’s Spirit was present at creation, in the deliverance of Israel, and remains present in the story of re-creation. 
  • God heard the cry of the Israelites in Egypt and sent Moses to deliver them. He now has responded to the desperate condition of all humanity by sending Jesus to deliver us all!

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