The Wavelength Podcast

Episode 10 of The Wavelength Podcast w/ lifelong friends, Tyler Crispen and Alex Kamenca.
 We had a great convo with Relationship Coach Gabriella Karp about the struggles and remedies many people face today when it comes to relationships. 

More about Gabriella:
With a mission to help individuals feel more empowered in their relationships with others and themselves, her passion began when she reached her tipping point with co-creating unhealthy and painful relational dynamics. It was obvious at that point that something needed to change and that she was the only one who could do something about it. Through her healing and growth journey, she fell in love with the work and felt called to serve others in finding their own way towards realigning with their authentic self and creating the relationships they’ve always desired.

Instagram: @the.empowered.self

What is The Wavelength Podcast?

Welcome to getting on the same Wavelength! We’re two normal guys from a small town in Ohio that chose and are continuing to choose to experience life to the fullest. We’ve experienced a lot of different life between us already and are going to keep going with you all.
This is where we laugh, cry, get vulnerable, and talk about our life experiences along with some cool guests. We’re not experts and we’re not going to pretend to be. This for all of us to relate our life experiences together and get on the same Wavelength.