INGSA Horizons

Social science and the humanities is often forgotten or sidelined when policymakers seek advice. Yet these are a valuable resource in not only understanding the 'what' but also the 'why' and 'how' of a given policy response - particularly when it comes to global-level challenges, such as the SDGs or climate change.

Show Notes

How can knowledge from the social sciences and humanities be better utilised by policymakers to address our sustainability challenges and complement traditional technological and physical scientific advice? What happens when different types of advice challenge one another? And how can different types of social science contribute to solutions from different perspectives.

  • Dr Jean Lebel, International Development Research Centre
  • Prof Steven Hoffman, Director of the Global Strategy Lab
  • Prof Elizabeth Jelin, Senior Researcher at CONICET
  • Dr Montira Pongsiri, Save the Children, Member of the SEA SAN
  • Prof Ilona Otto, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change

What is INGSA Horizons?

Great conversations at the intersection between science, society and policy. Brought to you by the world's leading network for science advice and science diplomacy practitioners, INGSA Horizons is a podcast of challenging topics of interest to everyone. COVID pulled back the curtain on the importance of good science informing smart policy - join us as we explore this critical, but often invisible, space between.