The Woman Podcast

On this episode, host Katy Bezet sits down with mother-in-law Michelle Bezet, who pastors New Life Church, alongside her husband Rick Bezet. Katy and Michelle talk through the ups and downs of 2020. Due to medical reasons, they spent the early part of the year on sabbatical, then navigating their church through the Covid-19 pandemic. And after it all, their annual "Woman Conference" was cancelled. Michelle shares what God has taught her, the good she sees in the rough moments, and even a thought about the election season.

Show Notes

On this episode, host Katy Bezet sits down with mother-in-law Michelle Bezet, who pastors New Life Church, alongside her husband Rick Bezet. Katy and Michelle talk through the ups and downs of 2020. Due to medical reasons, they spent the early part of the year on sabbatical, then navigating their church through the Covid-19 pandemic. And after it all, their annual "Woman Conference" was cancelled. Michelle shares what God has taught her, the good she sees in the rough moments, and even a thought about the election season. 

What is The Woman Podcast?

The Woman Podcast, streaming from New Life Church of Arkansas, is designed to invite you into conversations that will encourage you, challenge you, and always point you back to Jesus. Thanks for joining us!