Laura's on the road this week, so we're taking a break to have a nice chat...
Show Notes
Our Hunters have...been through some stuff. This week we're letting them take a break, and sitting down as cast and crew to reflect on recent events and the season so far. Back to the adventures of Zelda, Eric, and Tammy Jo on August 23!
$2 Creature Feature is an actual play podcast in association with the QueueTimes TTRPG network. We play Monster of the Week, a system created by Michael Sands and published by Evil Hat Productions.
Our cast is Ray Adams (@mr_ray_rpg) as the Keeper, Laura McMillan (@generalmcmill) as Tammy Jo, Meghan Murphy (@kawaiinot) as Zelda, and Nye Elder (@ersatzexpert) as Eric.
Our Producer is Sam Richardson (@Laggardson). Editing by Sam Richardson, Ray Adams, and Adam from Funinstallers. Our intro music is by Ian Mauldin and our outro music is by Jason Myers.
All our links can be found at
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What is $2 Creature Feature?
$2 Creature Feature is an actual-play Monster of the Week podcast with Queue Times, bringing you the eerie adventures of the performers and employees of Severus Svarti’s Traveling Fun Fair. Together this found family tackles threats both supernatural and mundane as they find their place in the world and fight the monsters.