By the Waters of Babylon with Scott Aniol

By the Waters of Babylon with Scott Aniol Trailer Bonus Episode 208 Season 1

How Do You Know the Spirit Is Working in Your Life?

How Do You Know the Spirit Is Working in Your Life?How Do You Know the Spirit Is Working in Your Life?

To walk by the Spirit is to let him fill us with his Word, and so we must read his Word. To walk by the Spirit is to pursue those qualities that characterize the Spirit, and so we must meditate upon Scripture and actively work to pursue those things. To walk by the Spirit is to allow the Spirit to lead us through his Word, and so we must meditate upon and memorize Scripture so that when we come to decisions in our lives, we will choose that which aligns with God’s moral will as he has articulated in in Scripture.

Let us actively walk by the Spirit, so that we will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

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What is By the Waters of Babylon with Scott Aniol?

Join Scott Aniol on By the Waters of Babylon as he delves into biblical principles, historical insights, and valuable resources to help Christians navigate and live faithfully in a post-Christian culture. Each episode provides thoughtful discussions aimed at equipping believers to stand firm in their faith and engage meaningfully with the world around them. Subscribe now to gain wisdom and encouragement for living a Christ-centered life in today’s society. Support this podcast: