meeting your soul

The technique of metta meditation involves reciting positive phrases toward yourself and other beings. This is a traditional Buddhist practice that has been practiced for thousands of years and has scientifically shown to activate the areas of our brain associated with love and compassion. There are many versions, however they all share the common aspiration of cultivating unconditional positive emotions toward all beings and strengthens connections. After you recite kind phrases toward yourself, you extend that kindness to other people. This allows you to display compassion and empathy towards all.

There are many versions, however they all share the common aspiration of cultivating unconditional positive emotions toward all beings and strengthen connections. After you recite kind phrases toward yourself, you extend that kindness to other people. This allows you to display compassion and empathy towards all. To cultivate these emotions, you silently recite phrases toward yourself and others.

“May I be safe, peaceful, and free of suffering.” "May you be..." "May we all be..."

You can also receite the sanskrit version, “lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu”, which means, “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

XOXO, sending you all love and happiness today and always. 

What is meeting your soul?

This podcast was designed to empower others to dive into their self-discovery journey by sharing my struggles and triumphs as I have perused a deeper connection to my own heart. I’ll share tips and tools for embodying love, authenticity and soulful confidence. My goal to create a community that openly discusses wellness in a holistic sense. Let’s work together to find harmony within our mind, body and spirit through ancient texts, somatic practices and positive psychology techniques.

I’m so happy you’re here – I love you already!

I would love to hear about your story, feel free to reach out on my website, www.coachingwithferrah. You can also connect with me directly on Instagram @ferrahchino.