The Maximum Lawyer Podcast

In this podcast episode, Jim Hacking and Tyson Mutrux reflect on the seven-year journey of the Maximum Lawyer podcast. They discuss the evolution of the podcast, their early tips and hacks, and the impact of vulnerability and authenticity on their success. 

They highlight their favorite episodes and the therapeutic nature of the podcast. As well as emphasizing the importance of collective wisdom through their past guest, talking to each other and the Guild! 

01:55 The impressive milestone! 
03:33 First guest and the strategy behind guests
06:54 Favorite episodes 
08:31 Limitless mindset 
13:13 What the podcast has done for Jim and Tyson 

Jim’s Hack: Read the book: “Crucial Conversations: tools for talking when the stakes are high” by Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, Emily Gregory 
Tyson Muturx: Use Joe Rogan advice: about finding something positive to say about others, even in difficult situations.

🎥 Watch the full video on YouTube here



Creators & Guests

Jim Hacking
Jim launched Hacking Immigration Law in 2008 and his firm has grown to over 30 employees and helped thousands of individuals obtain their immigration benefits. He is the co-founder of Maximum Lawyer.
Tyson Mutrux
Tyson is the founder of Mutrux Firm Injury Lawyers and the co-founder of Maximum Lawyer.

What is The Maximum Lawyer Podcast?

Are you running or starting your own law firm? This is your podcast.