Serious about sustainability

Architect & Ecodan Ambassador George Clarke discusses sustainable home heating for UK homeowners from a retrofit perspective.

Show Notes

In this episode, Max Halliwell from Ecodan talks to architect and Ecodan Ambassador, George Clarke. They discuss sustainable home heating for UK homeowners from a retrofit perspective. George shares his experience of switching from a gas boiler to an Ecodan air source heat pump providing sustainable heating and hot water for his home.

01:30 / The UK retrofit challenge
03:25 / The road to UK net-zero
09:35 / George's own Ecodan experience
15:36 / What is an air source heat pump?
24:08 / Every new house should have an ASHP
27:09 / UK Government RHI scheme
30:05 / A Future Homes Standard in 2025
31:42 / Sound comparison ASHP vs gas flue
34:01 / Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan
34:30 / Getting a heat pump, where to start?
37:25 / A trickle of clean energy
40:00/ MELCloud App and Homeowner Helpline
41:46 / Show close-out

What is Serious about sustainability?

Serious about sustainability is a podcast series brought to you by Mitsubishi Electric's Ecodan – air source heat pump. Through a series of guest interviews including architect and Ecodan Ambassador, George Clarke, the podcast series covers a range of topics, from the perspective of UK homeowners, self-builders, contractors, and housing associations. The show promotes greater awareness of renewable, heat pump technology, helping to build a sustainable, zero-carbon future for home heating.