Meditation Without Borders – Being the Change Podcast

If you’ve been accused of being “selfish” for your meditation practice, you wouldn’t be the first. Some people think going within when there is so much that needs doing outside is self-indulgent, or they have expectations for your actions and can’t stand to see you do “nothing.” Usually these people are not meditators themselves as meditation is in fact the opposite of selfishness.

In this episode, Kristen and Isabel go deep about how the process of meditation is going beyond the self, it is selflessness as a practice. And then they take it further to show how by simply meditating, not just the actions that meditation inspires but by practicing meditation itself, you are doing the best thing you can do to create a better world.

What is Meditation Without Borders – Being the Change Podcast?

What does it take to really create change–the kind that helps us work together as human beings for one another and for the planet? We believe the change we all wish to see in the world first needs to happen within. In this podcast, Kristen Vandivier and Isabel Keoseyan ­– co-founders of Meditation Without Borders – and their guests share laughs, stories and insights into the movement of meditation for social change.

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