Dragon Talk - An Official Dungeons & Dragons Podcast

Mike, Jeremy, and Rodney sit down to discuss the playtest packet that recently went live, including changes to the paladin, druid, rogue, and barbarian. Plus, find out about future playtesting endeavors, the livestream games, and Lords of Waterdeep coming to a tablet near you!

Show Notes

Mike, Jeremy, and Rodney sit down to discuss the playtest packet that recently went live, including changes to the paladin, druid, rogue, and barbarian. Plus, find out about future playtesting endeavors, the livestream games, and Lords of Waterdeep coming to a tablet near you!

What is Dragon Talk - An Official Dungeons & Dragons Podcast?

Welcome to Dragon Talk, the official D&D podcast. Hosts Shelly Mazzanoble and Greg Tito interview guests from the Dungeons & Dragons community on how they got started playing the world’s greatest roleplaying game, what creative endeavors D&D has inspired, and what tips they might have playing characters or weaving stories as the Dungeon Master. Check out Greg and Shelly’s book, Welcome to Dragon Talk, available everywhere now!