The BetterLife Podcast: Wealth | Real Estate Investing | Life

Pete Kelly is the CEO of Apartment Life, which helps multifamily landlords slash their largest expense: vacancy. 

Pete’s organization works with multifamily building owners to place coordinators whose sole mission is to befriend, connect with, and assist residents in their day-to-day lives. The result? Tenants stay longer. And apartment building owners add an average of $200k to their NOI and millions to their net worth.

Pete also talks about: 
- Why loneliness is the biggest reason tenants don't renew their leases 
- How Apartment Life finds mission-driven team members 
- Why property managers love his service
- The average return on investment investors can expect
- How you can apply his tactics even if you don’t own multifamily
- Finding real estate deals in 2024
- His parenting advice and why he wishes he had a time machine

Books Mentioned:
The Holy Bible by ESV Bibles
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
- Preaching Christ in All of Scripture by Edmund P. Clowney
- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
- Practicing The Presence Of God The Best Rule of a Holy Life by Brother Lawrence

Connect with Pete and Apartment Life: 
Listen to the end, where Pete gives out his phone number

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Pete’s charitable cause (100% of ad revenue goes here):
- Apartment Life

Show Sponsor: 
The BetterLife Tribe, where we help you build wealth through real estate without losing your soul

What is The BetterLife Podcast: Wealth | Real Estate Investing | Life?

Uncover the secrets to living a BetterLife with us - investors and friends, Brandon Turner & Cam Cathcart. Join our conversations about real estate investing, wealth building, and lifestyle design with industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs. Join us as we explore the habits, actions, and beliefs that will lead you to your BetterLife without losing your soul.