KBCTV: Connecting KiDs to Christ Through Entertainment

KBC TV Music Composer Nick Coetzee joins host Dave Crome to talk about how he connected with KBC TV, what a future partnership looks like, and why he is so excited to be a part of this project.

Show Notes

KBC TV Music Composer Nick Coetzee joins host Dave Crome to talk about how he connected with KBC TV, what a future partnership looks like, and why he is so excited to be a part of this project. To learn more about Nick's music recording and production company, Rain Music, please visit their website rainmusic.org. To learn more about KiDs Beach Club TV, please visit kidsbeachclub.tv.

What is KBCTV: Connecting KiDs to Christ Through Entertainment?

KiDs Beach Club TV is a half hour children’s program teaching character growth through the lens of scripture. KiDs Beach Club TV was initially created during the Covid-19 Pandemic to offer kids at home a chance to know the hope and reassurance of having a friend in Jesus Christ. As awareness of KBCTV grew, Christian Television Stations and Networks around not only the United States but the entire world have added KBCTV to their regular programming. This podcast shares behind-the-scenes details about the show, includes interviews with some of the stars and crew, and will keep you alert of new developments as additional seasons are added.