Solutions for NanoAnalysis

In the inaugural episode of Solutions for NanoAnalysis, we are joined by Kim Russell, Market Segment Manager for Food Safety and Agriculture at Bruker. We discuss how food manufacturers use handheld x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) to solve the problem of foreign objects in food. Key points include the improvements in XRF over the years, the development and use of spectral fingerprints, and other Bruker technologies to aid in identifying foreign objects in food.

Show Notes

In the inaugural episode of Solutions for NanoAnalysis, we are joined by Kim Russell, Market Segment Manager for Food Safety and Agriculture at Bruker. We discuss how food manufacturers use handheld x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) to solve the problem of foreign objects in food. Key points include the improvements in XRF over the years, the development and use of spectral fingerprints, and other Bruker technologies to aid in identifying foreign objects in food. 

“Two food safety laws”, Stephen Kosnar:  Hektoen Institute of Medicine 
YouTube: two-part video on the Bruker Nano Analytics YouTube channel, one is titled “Physical Contaminant ID in Food Production” and the other is “Physical Contaminant Spectral Fingerprinting for Food Production“. 


Webinar: “Quickly Identify and Source Foreign Material Contaminants Found in Food Products with Handheld XRF” is available on demand at 

App Notes application notes:
Micro-XRF Application Note XRF 470 Analysis of natural and processed food samples EN 
Analysis of potato samples with the M4 TORNADO micro-XRF spectrometer
AN 1702 FBI in Food Product Manufacturing with HH-XRF 
Identifying foreign objects found in food products and determining their source
Portable Analytical Solutions for Food Safety & Agriculture 
Portable elemental analysis solutions for food quality, food safety, and agriculture applications with handheld XRF

Contact Us: 
+1 800-234-XRAY(9729)

What is Solutions for NanoAnalysis ?

Welcome to our Solutions for NanoAnalysis podcast brought to you by Bruker Nano Analytics. We look forward to bringing you a new podcast regularly.

Every session we will focus on a different problem that our colleagues face in the lab and in the field. Some of the solutions will be a variation of ideas you may have heard before or even worked with. We will bring you these topics in a new and interesting way and introduce you to updated and thought-provoking results. We will talk about how the problem was dealt with in the past and what we’re doing to solve the problem now and perhaps even envision future solutions.

Join us as we talk solutions with a variety of scientists and technicians in a variety of industries in our Solutions for NanoAnalysis Podcast.