She's Fabulous by MaryAnn Lim Favie

Hello and welcome to She’s Fabulous Show.

Show Notes

36 - EPISODE 36

TITLE:  Are you a Workaholic

Hello and welcome to She’s Fabulous Show.  

Story 1: Molded to be one from childhood

Story 2: Workaholic at work

Story 3: Workaholic outside of work

  1. Workaholic can be a good thing if not perfection
  2. Give your best or not at all
  3. Do something you love, and you will never work a day in your life

Work life balance

I would love to hear your feedback about my sharing, please check out my show notes and connect with me through my Facebook, Instagram and my personal blog. I am looking forward to having you again in my next episode.

Instagram:  maryann.favie_sheis.fabulous
Personal Blog:

What is She's Fabulous by MaryAnn Lim Favie ?

She's Fabulous by MaryAnn Lim Favie