Hands-Off CEO

The right executive assistant is the Chief Bottleneck Breaker of your company. This role should NOT be ignored. Mandi Ellefson discusses how an executive assistant can free up 20 hours per week, and why this role is especially relevant for CEOs.

Key Ideas:

Mandi’s own experience can attest to the benefits of an executive assistant, as hers was able to free up no less than 20 hours per week by doing a lot of the soul-sucking tasks that Mandi hated doing. CEOs should keep in mind, however, that it should be a long term position. An EA isn’t there to only get the little things off their plate [2:18]

One of the roles of a CEO is sourcing good talent. This doesn’t mean you have to be hypervigilant; it means your team can run a hiring process completely without you, and you can just show up in the last stages. [5:00]

A good EA should be able to protect you, your schedule, and your energy from all the outside influences trying to get at you, Mandi shares. [10:39]

If hiring a remote EA, consider hiring someone in the same timezone as you. Think about the longevity of the position; this is someone you’re going to want staying for 3+ years in the company. Would they stick around if your waking and working hours are bedtime in their timezone? [21:31]

Mandi recommends having candidates perform a Kolbe A assessment, which measures the instinctive ways you take action when you strive. Look for someone with a high Fact Finder score, especially one whose score is six or above. Ideally, you want someone whose score is at least a couple points higher than the CEO’s. [27:55]

Mandi Ellefson on LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook
Hands-Off CEO - Executive Briefing

Kolbe A Index

Show Notes

The right executive assistant is the Chief Bottleneck Breaker of your company. This role should NOT be ignored. Mandi Ellefson discusses how an executive assistant can free up 20 hours per week, and why this role is especially relevant for CEOs.

Key Ideas:

  1. Mandi’s own experience can attest to the benefits of an executive assistant, as hers was able to free up no less than 20 hours per week by doing a lot of the soul-sucking tasks that Mandi hated doing. CEOs should keep in mind, however, that it should be a long term position. An EA isn’t there to only get the little things off their plate [2:18]
  2. One of the roles of a CEO is sourcing good talent. This doesn’t mean you have to be hypervigilant; it means your team can run a hiring process completely without you, and you can just show up in the last stages. [5:00]
  3. A good EA should be able to protect you, your schedule, and your energy from all the outside influences trying to get at you, Mandi shares. [10:39]
  4. If hiring a remote EA, consider hiring someone in the same timezone as you. Think about the longevity of the position; this is someone you’re going to want staying for 3+ years in the company. Would they stick around if your waking and working hours are bedtime in their timezone? [21:31]
  5. Mandi recommends having candidates perform a Kolbe A assessment, which measures the instinctive ways you take action when you strive. Look for someone with a high Fact Finder score, especially one whose score is six or above. Ideally, you want someone whose score is at least a couple points higher than the CEO’s. [27:55]


Mandi Ellefson on LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook

Hands-Off CEO - Executive Briefing

Kolbe A Index

What is Hands-Off CEO?

They said getting started was the hardest part, but no one told you how hard it is to scale a custom service business. It’s time for your team to step up, but your clients want YOU. Discover how to scale to 7 figures and beyond by freeing up time and getting your team to run whole parts of the company so you can focus on scaling profits. That means more income, more time with your family, and more ability to make impact in the community and beyond. This is the Hands OFF CEO Podcast with Mandi Ellefson.