Final Show Films Aggregate Feed

In which we take care of our AirBnB.Mirror needs to update his Patron LinkedIn. Zersaxona suffers no fools. Talon doesn't get what the big deal is.
Jeremy: DM
Navarran: Lord Ransome - Human Paladin of The Red Knight
L: Leandyr - Aasimar Commoner
korvys: Mirror's Reflection - Tiefling Warlock
Zaghrog: Talon Netherpeak - Human Wizard
Lilth: Zersaxona - Lizardfolk Cleric
Thanks to all of our supporters at for making this possible!
Especially our $25+ Donors:
Drevian Alexander
Kat Waterflame
Rowan Parker
Samantha Bates

Show Notes

In which we take care of our AirBnB.Mirror needs to update his Patron LinkedIn. Zersaxona suffers no fools. Talon doesn't get what the big deal is.

  • Jeremy: DM
  • Navarran: Lord Ransome - Human Paladin of The Red Knight
  • L: Leandyr - Aasimar Commoner
  • korvys: Mirror's Reflection - Tiefling Warlock
  • Zaghrog: Talon Netherpeak - Human Wizard
  • Lilth: Zersaxona - Lizardfolk Cleric


Thanks to all of our supporters at for making this possible!

Especially our $25+ Donors:

  • Antitonic
  • Drevian Alexander
  • Kat Waterflame
  • Rowan Parker
  • Samantha Bates
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

What is Final Show Films Aggregate Feed?

The aggregate feed of all Final Show Films podcasts