This Show Has Everything

There’s nothing better than a great origin story. For her October Phlashback, Phyllis Fletcher takes Mike and Bobby back to the day Luke shared with the world the note left on his backward-facing car in the maritime village of Port Townsend, WA, that brought a colorful addition to the TBTL lexicon. And while we have her, Phyllis kindly takes the boys (who have two journalism degrees and zero journalism jobs between them) through how her awesome day job works. Our own notable parking stories include public humiliation, residential scolding and municipal theft—but at least none of us choked in class while trying to get the Led out. This episode Phlashes back to October 24, 2014, Don’t Be A Dombass. 

Show Notes

There’s nothing better than a great origin story. For her October Phlashback, Phyllis Fletcher takes Mike and Bobby back to the day Luke shared with the world the note left on his backward-facing car in the maritime village of Port Townsend, WA, that brought a colorful addition to the TBTL lexicon. And while we have her, Phyllis kindly takes the boys (who have two journalism degrees and zero journalism jobs between them) through how her awesome day job works.

Our own notable parking stories include public humiliation, residential scolding and municipal theft—but at least none of us choked in class while trying to get the Led out.

This episode Phlashes back to October 24, 2014, Don’t Be A Dombass

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