Pioneers in Health

Lindsay Ford is the Executive Director at The Voter Network, a Kansas-based nonprofit organization aiming to increase participation in the electoral process as a strategy to improve health outcomes. Prior to serving at The Voter Network Lindsay worked for the Mayor of Kansas City, Kansas where she oversaw policy and project management. She previously held roles in corporate community relations and with a number of political campaigns - at the local, state, and federal levels - including serving as Congressman Dennis Moore’s Campaign Manager for his final, successful re-election bid in 2008. Lindsay believes that an empowered electorate creates responsive, transparent and inclusive governments and will likely ask you if you’re registered to vote, if she hasn’t already.

What is Pioneers in Health?

Welcome to the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund Podcast, Pioneers in Health. We hope to bring you inspiring stories of pioneering health leaders who led important efforts to improve health. We’ll bring you guests from our state, from our nation and from your backyard to tell their stories of how they broke new ground and changed the landscape of health care.