Business in Focus

Many businesses are experiencing cash flow difficulties as a result of coronavirus. In recent weeks, the government has announced generous support packages to help businesses address these challenges. But even with this support, many businesses could soon be forced to make some very difficult decisions. In this episode, host Rowena Morris is joined by Tim Allen, who leads PwC’s Operational Restructuring team, and Zubin Randeria, who leads our Cost Based Transformation team, to discuss the steps businesses can take to manage their cash flow and reduce costs in a fast and sustainable way.

Show Notes

Many businesses are experiencing cash flow difficulties as a result of coronavirus. In recent weeks, the government has announced generous support packages to help businesses address these challenges. But even with this support, many businesses could soon be forced to make some very difficult decisions. In this episode, host Rowena Morris is joined by Tim Allen, who leads PwC’s Operational Restructuring team, and Zubin Randeria, who leads our Cost Based Transformation team, to discuss the steps businesses can take to manage their cash flow and reduce costs in a fast and sustainable way.

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