80/20 with ParetoHealth

In our knowledge segment, we talk a little bit about a big expense – pharmaceuticals. Many employers don’t know that drugs make up 25-30% of their total healthcare spend. In fact, these numbers are projected to get more dramatic, reaching 50% in the next few years.

Then we talk with Jake Frenz of SmithRx about the ways that we can continue creating value in the pharmaceutical space, his history of serving in the Marines, and a short digression into… classical music? In between Andrew Clayton’s prospects as a classical pianist, ski trips, and some shots taken at golf, we discussed the specific levers that can fix the problems of outsize pharmaceutical prices.

Finally, in the “you know they’re a knucklehead when…” section, we discussed the role of people skills versus strategic vision in relationship-based businesses. It turns out – who knew? – that if you’re giving advice to someone, you need more than a good golf swing and a box of donuts.

What is 80/20 with ParetoHealth?

Health insurance, dissected. It’s a take-no-prisoners journey into the heart of health insurance co-hosted by two of its major disruptors. The Andrews (Cavenagh and Clayton of ParetoHealth) give you fresh insights and perspectives. Join them in their conversations with guests who are also transforming an antiquated industry and reshaping the way employers select and implement healthcare benefits.