AmeriCorps Connections

1.2  Million AmeriCorps Alumni STRONG!  We are a voice for national and community service.  We have all served in one way or another - let's engage, learn and connect with each other!  Let's Serve Life After AmeriCorps!

Today we talk with Lowell Butler
Connect with Lowell on LinkedIn

Big ideas and takeaways from our conversation:
What do you foresee for us Alumni? What can we do!?
  1. If you are an alumni of a higher education institute get them signed up for Schools for National Service.
  2. If you can influence your company, organization or state/county to become an employer of National Service! 
  3. Alumni - go to career days in High School and College students
Alumni Connections

Shout out!
Hosting and podcast consultation provided by Producer Dan Metivier of Time or Money Production.  Thank you Dan! (p.s., he's an AmeriCorps Alumni) Check him out on IG
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What is AmeriCorps Connections?

1 Million AmeriCorps member STRONG! We are a loud voice for national and community service. We have all served in one way or another - let's engage, learn and connect with each other! Let's serve Life After AmeriCorps!

Watch the conversation on You Tube -
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