Halo Drop

Vishal Gondal, the father of Indian gaming, is an Indian entrepreneur and angel investor. From starting in the gaming realm, to approaching Pepsi, hiring underdogs to work at IndiaGames, to founding GOQii, this is a fascinating interview with the guy who modestly says ‘I just build the products’.

Key takeaways:
Getting into the gaming realm
Raising investment for IndiaGames
The preventative healthcare space
Scale and growth of GOQii
What entrepreneurs can learn from spirituality

Show Notes

We are hugely excited to welcome Vishal Gondal onto Halo Drop. Vishal is an Indian entrepreneur and angel investor. Vishal founded his first company, IndiaGames, at the tender age of 16, a company that was later acquired by the Walt Disney Company. Following his success with IndiaGames, Vishal launched Sweat and Blood Venture group in 2008, to invest in startups at seed level, to help build out youth and entrepreneurship in India. He launched his most recent company, GOQii, in 2014, a fitness technology company, focused on preventative healthcare

“I had absolutely no idea about valuation stock, liquidation preference, I mean, all these complex things, which people talk about right now, in the whole world of startups and venture capital, I only knew one thing, I knew how to build products.”

And that’s how the father of Indian gaming has the edge in the preventative healthcare space, and it’s the idea behind GOQii - using gaming to motivate people to think about preventative healthcare. 

From starting in the gaming realm, to approaching Pepsi, hiring underdogs to work at IndiaGames, to founding GOQii, this is a fascinating interview with the guy who modestly says ‘I just build the products’. 

So how is he so wildly successful? 

“I figured out the problem in the business of health and wellness and fitness is not the lack of apps or devices, or gyms or diets. The fundamental problem is people lack motivation. And the other problem is engagement.”

To find out more, subscribe and follow Halo Drop wherever you get your podcasts. 

On today’s podcast:
  • Getting into the gaming realm
  • Raising investment for IndiaGames
  • The preventative healthcare space
  • Scale and growth of GOQii
  • What entrepreneurs can learn from spirituality


Hosts Twitter
Vishal - https://twitter.com/vgurbuxani
Krishna - https://twitter.com/ksub15
Sunil - http://twitter.com/vermasun

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