Leave our world a better place

Damen Pheiffer is a specialist guide at andBeyond Phinda Private Game Reserve – a reserve that is close to his heart for many reasons. Listen in as we catch up with Damen and learn a little more about him, the events that brought him to Phinda, and hear some of his wild stories and wildlife experiences from his time as a guide.

Show Notes

Damen Pheiffer is a specialist guide at andBeyond Phinda Private Game Reserve – a reserve that is close to his heart for many reasons. Listen in as we catch up with Damen and learn a little more about him, the events that brought him to Phinda, and hear some of his wild stories and wildlife experiences from his time as a guide. 

What is Leave our world a better place?

Every day, conservation-led travel company &Beyond seeks to leave our world a better place through our ethos of Care of the Land, Care of the Wildlife and Care of the People. Find out more about our model of sustainable travel and listen to the stories of the people who dedicate themselves to wildlife conservation, caring for rural communities and managing large tracts of protected land and ocean.