Miami Global Net

Loop Media was made to write and read about what’s happening around the world, without algorithms deciding what content you consume or language barriers. Loop Media wants to connect writers and thinkers globally, providing access to as many aspects or “sides of the truth”. They don’t believe there is a single truth. They want to spark powerful discussions in order to find the best solutions to the problems we face today. 

Loop Media gives you the tools to publish articles with international visibility. For writers, Loop Media eliminates the headaches of creating your own successful blog from scratch, so you only need to focus on writing. For readers, they offer content from around the globe, without any filters or agendas. 


Loop Media
Edificio Lanzadera,
La Marina de, Carrer del Moll de la Duana,
s/n, 46024 Valencia
Contact phone: +34 620 863 923

What is Miami Global Net?

Let's talk about local International Relations. We will showcase Miami's International diplomatic and business landscape, and get to know the innovative startups calling Miami home. Meet the people behind the organizations that contribute to Miami's commercial and cultural international growth. I am Alejandro Servalli, and I am the former Senior Advisor of International Relations to the City Manager of the City of Miami.