Israel Bible Podcast

Dr. Nicholas Schaser joins us to talk about his IBC course Women and Gender in the Bible. We have so many interesting things to talk about, but this week we will limit ourselves to the creation narratives. When we carefully study the Hebrew words, what can we learn about God's design for humanity?

Show Notes

This week we begin the process of untangling our cultural assumptions about women from the biblical design for women. To learn more from Dr. Schaser and to discuss more Biblical examples, enroll in his course HERE.
Read more about Carol Meyer's view of Israelite Patriarchy HERE.
Find out how you can get this and many other courses with one small monthly subscription at:
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What is Israel Bible Podcast?

The Bible does not need to be rewritten, but it needs to be reread. In this podcast, Dr. Parker shares a behind the scenes look at some of Israel Bible Center's most popular online courses. Each week faculty members sit down to discuss the ancient literature, history, culture, customs, and theology that will uncover rich new ways to understand the Bible.
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