Foreign Devs Podcast

Racing straight out of the 2020 Miami International Boat Show onboard some electric scooters, Victor and Jani fly into this episode.

While in Miami, the guys were determined to figure out which brand of rental scooters were the quickest - and promise to revisit with a more in-depth examination during this year's Laracon in Atlanta.

The duo discuss the Good to Great book from Jim Collins, and how it aligns with both of their visions and values in elevating companies, and dive deeper into:
- Hierarchy differences in teams made up of the right members, vs the wrong ones
- Hiring cheap vs hiring the correct fit
- How tolerating bad employees can kill great ones

Victor shares a motivational story of how quality customer service led to an unexpected career opportunity in a new industry. Meanwhile, Jani considers buying another vehicle (yes, another vehicle) after a disappointing service visit.

Show Notes

What is Foreign Devs Podcast?

Two foreign developers discuss Laravel & PHP Development, the business of marketing, and more.

About Victor Gonzalez
Victor manages marketing for one of the nation's fastest growing boat manufacturers, a role that has seen him honored with the MMA Award for the Best Website in the Boating Industry. After hours, Victor produces web development tutorials at Coder's Tape, along with paid courses for Udemy.

About Jani Gyllenberg
Jani tackles business development and innovation at one of the nation's top ranking boat dealerships (where he and Victor originally met). In 2017, Jani was named one of Boating Industry Magazine's 40 Under 40. He can be found speaking his mind on Twitter @jani_gyllenberg or over at his nullthoughts Blog.