Clockworks - A Legion Podcast

Hello everyone! This is an introductory episode of Poplar Opinion: A Call the Midwife Podcast! We are very excited about this new podcast, and we hope you will like it too!

Show Notes

If you're still subscribed to Clockworks, I'm so glad! We've missed Legion, and Clockworks, and all of you.

We wanted to let you all know about our new upcoming podcast: Poplar Opinion: A Call the Midwife Podcast. We won't be publishing regular episodes of Poplar Opinion to this feed, so if you'd like to join us when the first full episode comes out, you can find us at, or by searching for "Poplar Opinion" with your podcast player of choice. If it isn't there yet, it will be soon!

We haven’t done much to earn your support in this podcast yet, but if you believe we will, you can show your faith in us by supporting us on Patreon!

We’d love to hear from you! You can email us at poplar @, and find and follow us on twitter @poplaropinion. You might also want to find us at our individual twitter accounts. We're unique people, not a corporate entity. Jan is @jayellemo and Paul is @thatpaulmoffett.

Our first full episode is coming soon!

What is Clockworks - A Legion Podcast?

Clockworks is a podcast about the tv show Legion hosted by Jan and Paul.