Thought Leader

Founder of Starfish Synergy Community, Theresa Bailey is a Master Facilitator of team-building workshops that allow teams to connect in meaningful and memorable ways that produce results. She talks about her passion for empowering resilience and connections through the use of playdough in her workshops. Her tested methods have found that people relax faster as their creativity is stimulated through touch, feel, and smell. Listen to hear Theresa explain how playdough plays a role in innovation, why our society is losing the ability to adapt, and how we can build our coping skills to manage change more effectively.

Show Notes

🌞 Flowers, play dough, and Theresa’s interesting background. 00:46
🖐 Pyramid of playdough: sessions and workshops with Hasbro. 02:03
🤔 Theresa’s work with homeless people brought some questions to her. 03:21
😇 Working with teams, facilitating for 20 years, and the research Theresa uses in her work. 06:38
💧 Power of adapting: we are not evolving fast enough to deal with everything new in our world. 08:36
🤸 Playdough stimulation: regrowing creativity and play. 11:05
🙂 Joy in connecting in a different way. 13:04
🌈 Theresa works with teams, online and in-person, but playdough is everywhere she is. 14:07
🙌 Engaging sight, smell, and touch: finding different solutions for the challenges we face. 15:07

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What is Thought Leader?

We put scare quotes around the term “thought leader.” Don't worry - no hagiographic interviews here. No upsells, no bullshit.

We have great conversations with true innovators, thinkers, disrupters, creatives, and a few fools. (You decide.) We ask them all for insights, stories and tools. (You'll laugh, you'll shout, you might fall asleep. It's all good.)

We are all thought leaders. Think more. Lead better.