Movin’ with Mel and Marm

I Wish You Would listen as we Speak Now about the real estate holdings of Taylor Swift. Long Story Short this episode Hits Different because Taylor is an investing Mastermind. From a Gorgeous penthouse in Nashville, to a Style-ish tribeca block that says Welcome to New York and a holiday house that’s Bigger Than The Whole Sky, Taylor is truly diversified. So Call It What You Want but this episode is a Love Story and might be our favorite for Evermore. So…Are You Ready For It?

  • The surprising designer of Taylor’s first place
  • New York v Texas: a battle of space
  • She picked out a home and called it "Holiday House"

What is Movin’ with Mel and Marm?

Co-hosts, Melissa Touris and Marmie Leech, are REALTORS® in Dallas, TX with a passion to educate and inform - all while having a great time! Join us for a bi-weekly conversation of real estate tips, current events, and entertaining escapades.