FamilyLife Canada Parenting Conference (2023)

二十多年前我們接觸了許多年輕的新移民家庭。那時大家都\非常關心兒童的成長與教育。 大家都努力希望在這裡能夠給孩子和家庭一個更好的成長環境和發展的空間。我們相信我們有一天退休後就可以享受我們辛苦的成果,可以含飴弄孫。最近幾年我們經常聽到那些孩子已經長大的父母感嘆雖然孩子長大獨立了,工作和經濟情況都好,但是家庭關係並不理想。我們在這堂裡會分享一些幫助建立與成年子女關係的

Presented by Fay Chao and Bob Li, FamilyLife Canada

Please send the FamilyLife Team your questions and prayer requests:

What is FamilyLife Canada Parenting Conference (2023)?

Our team has been listening to parents across the country… to your struggles and concerns, to the questions you need answers to as you’re trying to navigate the cultural currents around you. And we think we can help. The FamilyLife Canada Parenting Conference is happening April 14th to 23rd, with 10 Workshops on 10 Crucial Parenting Questions. It’ll be 10 Days of Free Streaming while you learn from some of the best educators in the field!

Please email us your questions or prayer requests at

Enjoy the Learning!