EMPOWERED with Patrick McGuire

An incredible #BAPES pre-launch conversation with Brain J. Esposito, founding member of BAPES, and many more amazing companies and projects.

Show Notes

An incredible #BAPES pre-launch conversation with Brain J. Esposito, founding member of BAPES, and many more amazing companies and projects. 

Spending time with Brian is inspiring, enlightening and empowering.

This episode was recorded the week before the launch, during the #BAPES whitelisting period.

Discover more empowered conversations www.empoweredpodcast.ca

Show page www.empoweredentrepreneur.ca/brianjesposito

What is EMPOWERED with Patrick McGuire?

Join your host, Patrick McGuire, the Empowered Entrepreneur, as he dives into conversations with high performing people (entrepreneurs, executives, founders, athletes, artists and creators), making an impact. Uncover incredible conversations, understanding the struggles and successes in their journey, and gain insights and access to the tools they use, to fast track your success and empower you.