
For this episode, Itchy and Scratchy (aka Cody and Dan) are going #beyondFLG with Rand Jenkins, Partner, CEO, Visionary, and Director of Strategy at Mountain Mojo Group, a digital marketing group located in Flagstaff. Prior to digital marketing, Rand worked in the service industry and moved to the world of production in 2003 working as a production assistant on the MTV Video & Music Awards shows. Since then, he has managed and produced over 1400 concerts, festivals, fundraisers, galas and special events. He co-founded, owned and operated Flagstaff’s Green Room, a music venue and bar in Flagstaff, AZ for 7 years and acted as GM of The Pepsi Amphitheater in Flagstaff for another 3 years. He also founded and produced 3 community/music festivals in Flagstaff including The Flagstaff Hullabaloo, Flagstaff Cornucopia and Kaleidoscope Kamp Out. In late 2015, he started Mountain Mojo Group, a marketing firm with partner Austin Leggett. In his spare time he has sat on the boards of Habitat for Humanity, The Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy, The Flagstaff Music Festival/Firefly Gatherings, mentored for Big Brothers, Big Sisters and participates in volunteer opportunities city wide. All of this is secondary of course to traveling and reconnecting with his Friends and Family.

You won't want to miss Rand discussing his experience in the service industry, including stories of Les Claypool, Insane Clown Posse, and REO Speedwagon, and a lot of sage guru business advice. In the word of Jason Costello, “I find Rand to be a bit of an empath with a lot of guru management vibe. 1-Part Mr. Rogers, 1-Part Yoda.”

Show Notes

For this episode, Itchy and Scratchy (aka Cody and Dan) are going #beyondFLG with Rand Jenkins, Partner, CEO, Visionary, and Director of Strategy at Mountain Mojo Group, a digital marketing group located in Flagstaff. Prior to digital marketing, Rand worked in the service industry and moved to the world of production in 2003 working as a production assistant on the MTV Video & Music Awards shows. Since then, he has managed and produced over 1400 concerts, festivals, fundraisers, galas and special events. He co-founded, owned and operated Flagstaff’s Green Room, a music venue and bar in Flagstaff, AZ for 7 years and acted as GM of The Pepsi Amphitheater in Flagstaff for another 3 years. He also founded and produced 3 community/music festivals in Flagstaff including The Flagstaff Hullabaloo, Flagstaff Cornucopia and Kaleidoscope Kamp Out. In late 2015, he started Mountain Mojo Group, a marketing firm with partner Austin Leggett. In his spare time he has sat on the boards of Habitat for Humanity, The Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy, The Flagstaff Music Festival/Firefly Gatherings, mentored for Big Brothers, Big Sisters and participates in volunteer opportunities city wide. All of this is secondary of course to traveling and reconnecting with his Friends and Family. You won't want to miss Rand discussing his experience in the service industry, including stories of Les Claypool, Insane Clown Posse, and REO Speedwagon, and a lot of sage guru business advice. In the word of Jason Costello, “I find Rand to be a bit of an empath with a lot of guru management vibe. 1-Part Mr. Rogers, 1-Part Yoda.”

What is #beyondFLG?

Flagstaff is a remarkable place full or remarkable people. Some may even say that Flagstaff is the best place on Earth and some may say that such a statement is hyperbolic. Either way, there is no other place exactly like it, and that includes the people that contribute to it. Flagstaff is full of people with diverse backgrounds that possess a wide range of interests, skills, and stories. This variety of interests, skills, and stories contributes to the textured and unique feel of the area.

#BeyondFLG is a podcast aimed at highlighting the natural beauty of this region and the peoples that contribute to it. Some may describe this podcast as award winning based on the badges given to it through the podcast platform while others may say that the show is underproduced and overstated. #beyondFLG is hosted by two local psychologists and founders of Beyond the Pines, A Flagstaff Wellness Collective; Cody Bayles and Dan Phillips. Their values lie in promoting connection to self, others, and the natural world and their efforts occasionally hit somewhere near that mark, let’s say adjacent to it. Join them as they go #beyondFLG with members of the Flagstaff community and explore the overall connection to the area, their craft, and others.