Maintainers Anonymous

How old is open source anyway? Mikeal Rogers (Protocol Labs) joins Henry in talking about making friends through podcasting, conference organizing as maintainer-ship, patronage and fundraising, old/new school open source, deprecating packages and ecosystem health, new ideas and becoming a maintainer by being the "first", and parenting! Transcript:

Show Notes

How old is open source anyway? Mikeal Rogers (Protocol Labs) joins Henry in talking about making friends through podcasting, conference organizing as maintainer-ship, patronage and fundraising, old/new school open source, deprecating packages and ecosystem health, new ideas and becoming a maintainer by being the "first", and parenting! Transcript:

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What is Maintainers Anonymous?

How can we work together to achieve a common goal: whether in our code, cities, or infrastructure? Henry Zhu chats with fellow maintainers across all disciplines of life on their process, motivations, and struggles as they learn in public.